Friday, February 16, 2007

The Untouched Food

Enjoy this story from Soren Kierkegaard:

What is the difference between faith and the profession of faith? (The Gospel of Suffering, pp. 141-42)

If there was a certain kind of food, an article of food which, for one reason or another, had such significance for a man that it was completely tied up with his most intimate feelings (we may imagine a national dish, or a food which has religious significance), and as a result of this it was impossible for him to remain silent if this food was scoffed at or even referred to disparagingly: then it would be natural that, if this happened in his presence, he would admit and confess his own emotions.

But let us imagine the relationship somewhat altered. We imagine this man gathered in company with several others, and this food is set before them. When it is offered them, each of the guests says personally: "This is the most excellent and precious of all foods." Certainly, if that man of whom we are speaking discovers with astonishment, or believes that he discovers, that the guests do not eat of this dish, that they leave it untouched, that they confine themselves to other foods, while they still say that the food is the most excellent and precious: is the man in that case required to acknowledge his own conviction? There is no one indeed who contradicts him, no one who says anything other than what he says.

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Anonymous said...

The term haywire means something "poorly equipped or makeshift". Like all good slang (or is it colloquial?) it's origins are hazy.

Harwire is the light wire used in hay bales. We mechanic types usually refer to it as baling wire -- which is also seen as a cheap, quick repair that is not expected to last long.

John Vaught said...

Hey, thanks for the info on "haywire".